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Forza Motorsport 6 (Xbox One) Review

Forza Motorsport has been one of the most successful gaming franchises in the last ten years. It all started with the first Forza Motorsport released in May of 2005 on the original Xbox, then several Forza Motorsport games were released on Xbox 360 and Turn 10 Studios’ most recent success has been over the last two years on Xbox One with Forza Motorsport 5 and Forza Horizon 2.

Forza Motorsport 5 was the most entertaining and impressive launch title in November during the Xbox One launch but the game did drop a lot of its content when compared to the Xbox 360 predecessors.
Now, two years later, we get Forza Motorsport 6, with the stakes raised and all the content we have loved in the franchise returns along with new features and incredible improvements. Forza Motorsport 6 amped up the visuals, roar of the engines, added more cars, enhanced the multiplayer online, included a new career mode, updated the Drivatar features and we get to enjoy the new weather and night racing additions.

There are more than 450 licensed cars in Forza Motorsport 6 which is well over 200 more vehicles than Turn 10 had in Forza Motorsport 5. The leader of the pack is the cover vehicle, the all new Ford GT, and all of your incredible beauties including the new Ford GT appear in the Forzavista mode. This mode lets you explore your digital ride as you walk around the mode. If you would like to get into any of the 450 cars you can go into the Free Play mode and rent your vehicle of choice. By saying “rent”, it just means that you can use the vehicle without owning it in your garage but you will not earn any money or experience for using the cars, but its still a great way to test drive whatever you want before you own it.
 Forza Motorsport 6 includes an incredible track list, giving the Forza fans twenty-six locations including the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the Daytona Speedway and many more tracks to drop your jaw in awe as you enjoy the spectacular visuals. We get Forza Motorsport 6 in 1080p and delivered at 60 frames per second but aside from the gloss on the cars and noticeable upgrades all around to all the tracks and cities we have the return of weather effects that can really enhance the game visually and in terms of gameplay. For example, if you are tearing through on a dry track it is nothing compared to attempting the same thing on a rain soaked circuit. The puddles, streaks and high speed turns are all too difficult to maneuver in your first go around. It takes great timing and precision to make each and every turn when your weather affects your track.

The career mode in Forza Motorsport 6 is quite large as it gives us about 60 to 70 hours of gameplay and brings in several racing personalities to assist with the campaign. Turn 10 delivers the career mode as “Stories of Motorsport” and in each of the stories we focus on Grand Touring, Professional Racing, Sport Icons, Super Street and Ultimate Motorsport. In each of the stories, we have a set of events to go through and in order to move into the next story you will need to complete three series. A series will focus on different car types and you can revisit the stories at any point through the main hub.

Forza 6 also returns with the Drivatar A.I driven feature that was made popular in Forza 5 and Forza Horizon 2. Each time you race offline you will battle your friends A.I. driver and in Forza 6 they seem to be smarter than they were in the previous games. This time around you do have a larger competition field with a 24 car racing field whether it’s racing online or against the A.I.
 Forza Motorsport 6 releases on September 15 in North America and September 18 in Europe exclusively on Xbox One and is easily the best Forza game on the Xbox One. With all of the additional vehicles, modes and online features, this title is sure to add 100 hours at least in order to complete the entirety of the game. As we also know from previous titles in the Forza franchise, we will likely get additional vehicles as time passes for a cost and possibly as a free promotion. This only increases our play count that much more.

Forza Motorsport 6 - 95% Story/Features --- 90% Visuals ------ 90% Sound--- 85% Achievement Variety --- 90% Playability --- Will it last on your play list for more than six months? Yes---90% DP Overall Rating


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