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Tales From The Borderlands Episode 3: Catch A Ride (Xbox One) Review

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch a Ride continues its journey through Pandora with our protagonists Rhys, a middle of the pack manager, his friend Vaughn along with Fiona and her sister Sasha, all still trying to get their hands on the riches of the Vault stored in Pandora. As we had seen in the two episodes prior to episode three we were greeted with humor, violence and suspense leading to the following episode. In Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch a Ride, however; we notice a little bit of a bump in the road in terms of the charm it had in Episodes one and two.

During the two hour adventure through Pandora we experience our main characters developing a romance for one another, and this time around the experience in the game is more about who we are as the characters rather than the action in game or the laughs carried out through jokes at the expense of others in Tales from the Borderlands. It’s a little different experience than we are used too, having already played hours of the episodic adventure. This one felt a little stale but nevertheless we have an adventure to continue and a series to further complete.

We see the four of our characters making their way into a biological facility to find the Energy Chassis for a new robot companion that is leading them to the Vault. Within minutes we take control of Rhys and Fiona and are stopped in a hallway which is guarded by sentry turrets that will eliminate anyone getting in the way. This portion of the episode can be very tedious and annoying but once we get passed this part the remaining episode is fairly straight forward. The ending is long but thankfully has a fun little scene involving a character being controlled upside down with their feet bound.

Catch a Ride feels a bit like an unfinished episode when comparing it to other episodes in the series, also when comparing it to all of the Telltale Games’ collection. Nevertheless, we still have a few more episodes to get through and hopefully Episode 4 fills in the gaps of Episode 3 to provide an overall satisfaction of the complete Tales from the Borderlands series.

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch a Ride is available now on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 and even though we haven’t been completely satisfied with episode 3, as a whole, the entire Tales from the Borderlands series is a great play thus far. While you enjoy Episodes 1, 2 and 3, look out for our Episode 4 and 5 reviews coming soon.

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch A Ride  - 65% Story/Features --- 65% Visuals ------ 75% Sound--- 70% Achievement Variety --- 65% Playability --- Will it last on your play list for more than six months? Yes---65% DP Overall Rating


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